CHRONO CROSS 20th Anniversary Live Tour 2019

RADICAL DREAMERS Yasunori Mitsuda & Millennial Fair

English Shopping Guide for International Customers

To shop at the Official Chrono Cross Tour Store you will need to (1) set up a forwarding service, (2) convert your name to Japanese and, (3) get an fantech store account. This guide will take you through all of these steps.

What you will need for this step:
 • Email Address (or FaceBook account)
 • Proof of Identity and Address (National ID, Driver's License, Electricity Bill etc.)
 • Payment Information

* Because is completely in English, I have not written a detailed guide here.
* You can use for many Japanese shopping websites, including the Official Chrono Cross Tour Store.
* If you have any questions about package forwarding, please contact directly.

Go to and sign up. Please be sure to sign up with your full name.

Although you have registered, there are still a few more steps to finish setting up the forwarding service.

Please go to the next step.

According to Japanese Law, it is necessary prove your identity when using a forwarding service.

Please go to "My page"

From "My page" please click on "Submit Proof of Identity" or "Proof of Identity Submission Page". Your Proof of Identity should include your full name and your current address.

Please go to the next step.

After proving your identity, please submit your payment information and your shipping address.

Please go to the next step.

Congratulations! You are done with the hardest part!

You will need your address and telephone number later.

What you will need for this step:
 • Your first and last name

In order to shop at many Japanese websites, including the Official Chrono Cross Tour Store, it is necessary to have a name in Japanese characters. If you don't already have a Japanese name, please use this guide to convert your name into Japanese (katakana) characters. The website we will use is in Japanese, so this guide will take you through each step. The Japanese names are only for store registration purposes, so please do not worry about getting everything completely perfect.

Please go to and type your first name where it says "名前".

In the image below, I have typed my first name, "Tom".

After inputing your first name, please click on the button "カタカナ表示推定".

Please go to the next step.

In the "推定1" row, please copy the Japanese text. This is your first name in Japanese katakana characters. In my case, my first name "Tom" is "トム" in Japanese. (You will also notice various IOC country codes.)

If there are no IOC country codes, do not worry. Just as above, please choose the Japanese name from the "推定1" row. Below is the example for "Tressa".

Please go to the next step.

Just as with your first name, please go to and type your last name where it says "名前".

In the image below, I have typed my last name, "Mitchell". After inputing your last name, please click on the button "カタカナ表示推定".

In the "推定1" row, please copy the Japanese text. This is your last name in Japanese katakana characters. In my case, my last name "Mitchell" is "ミッチェル" in Japanese.

Please go to the next step.

Because you will need to input them seperately, I recommend saving both names seperately.

Something like: "First Name: トム" and "Last Name: ミッチェル" instead of "トム ミッチェル"

What you will need for this step:
 • Your address
 • Your telephone number
 • Your Japanese first and last name

There are only a few more steps! We're almost to the end!

You will need to register for a "fantech STORE" account to shop at the Official Chrono Cross Tour Store. Registration is all in Japanese, so this guide will take you through each step.

Please go to to begin registering.

You can also access this page by clicking the "新規入会" button at the top.

On the webpage, please click on the "上記各規約に同意の上、会員登録へ進む" button.

Please go to the next step.

Below you will find a translation of the information you will need to input.

(a) メールアドレス Email Address
(b) パスワード Password
(Password must be between 8 and 16 characters)
(c) パスワード(確認) Password (again, to confirm)
(d) お名前 姓: Japanese Last Name, 名: Japanese First Name
(e) お名前(フリガナ) セイ: Japanese Last Name, メイ: Japanese First Name
(f) 生年月日 年: Year, 月: Month, 日: Day
(g) 性別 男性: Male, 女性: Female
(h) 郵便番号 Postal Code (
(i) 住所 Address (
(j) 電話番号 Telephone Number ( (no hyphens)
(k) メールマガジン 受け取る: Subscribe to "fantech STORE" email magazine
受け取らない: Do not subscribe to "fantech STORE" email magazine

For your name, please copy and paste the Japanese text you obtained previously. In the case of katakana names, the "お名前" and "お名前(フリガナ)" rows are the same. Below is an example using my name. (last name: "ミッチェル", first name: "トム")

For the address and telephone number, please use the information you recieved from When inputing the telephone number please remove the hyphens ("-"). The telephone number should only be numbers. Below is a guide showing which information goes where. (I have replaced some numbers with circles in the example.)

After double checking all of your information, please click the "確認する" button.

If an error occurs, please try filling out the information again. For example, in the image below, the telephone number should not have any hyphens ("-").

Correct: 0312345678
Incorrect: 03-1234-5678

* Please note that this telephone number is only an example telephone number.

Please go to the next step.

If the information is correct, please press the (b) "完了ページへ" button to continue.
If the information is incorrect, please press the (a) "戻る" button to return.

Please go to the next step.

Congratulations! You have successfully registered for a "fantech STORE" account. You will use this account to shop at the Official Chrono Cross Tour Store!

What you will need for this step:
 • Your "fantech STORE" account
 • Your payment information

You're almost at the end! Just a little bit more!

*To logout of the "fantech STORE" website, you can click the "ログアウト" button in the top right. To log back in, in the same location please click the "ログイン" button.

Go to the login page. You can also click on the "ログインへ" or "ログイン" buttons.

At the log in page, please input your email address and password. Then, please click on the "ログイン" button.

Please go to the next step.

You can choose the merchandise from the Chrono Cross Tour website, the Official Store website, or the fantech STORE website.

Chrono Cross Tour website (Found on the GOODS PAGE):

Official Chrono Cross Tour Store website (Found at the bottom of the website):

fantech STORE website:

Please go to the next step.

On a specific item's page, you can (a) choose how many you want to buy, (b) add the item(s) to your shopping cart, and (c) return to look at all of the Chrono Cross Tour merchandise.

After choosing how many items you want to buy, please click the "カートに入れる" button to add them to your shopping cart.

Please go to the next step.

To purchase your merchandise, please click the "購入手続き" button.
To continue shopping, please click the "お買い物を続ける" button.

(a) 購入手続き Purchase your merchandise
(b) お買い物を続ける Continue shopping
(c) 合計金額 Total
(d) 送料 Domestic Shipping Fee
( will also charge an international shipping fee)
(e) 削除 Delete
(f) 数量 Amount

The "continue shopping" button will take you to the top page of "fantech STORE". To continue shopping for Chrono Cross Tour Merchandise, you can use the links shared above or click here.

If you are ready to purchase your merchandise, please click the "購入手続き" button and contine to the next step.

Please click on the "購入決済へ" button. (You can click on the "戻る" button to return.)

Please click on the "+" mark next to "クレジットカード決済".

Please input your credit card information.

(a) カード会社 Credit Card Company
(b) カード番号 Credit Card Number
(c) カード有効期限 Credit Card Expiration Date
(d) セキュリティコード Credit Card Security Code (on the back)
(e) カード名義人 Name exactly as it is on the Credit Card
(f) このクレジットカードを登録する Save this Credit Card Information

After double checking the information, please click on the "決済のお申込み" button.

Congratulations!! You have completed your purchase! You should recieve a confirmation email titled "【hubsynch】商品代金決済完了のお知らせ", which is notifying you that your payment is complete. If the email did not arrive, please check your spam inbox and/or your email filter settings.

Thank you very very much for your support and for purchasing some Chrono Cross Tour Merchandise. The merchandise will be shipped from the "fantech STORE" warehouse to your "" address. After which, "" will send the merchandise directly to your address.

Thank you again! We hope you enjoy the goods!!

If you did not recieve a confirmation email, you can also check the status of your order at the "fantech STORE" webpage. After logging in, please click on the "マイページ" button. If your purchase history doesn't appear, please click the "購入履歴" button.

On the "購入履歴" page, you can see the status of your purchase.